Saturday, February 3, 2018

Something's going to stick...

The restlessness is real, friends.  We've been in Omaha for six years in March (March 7th, to be exact.  I remember because it's my sister's birthday).  For a couple of nomads who enjoy living abroad, it feels like an eternity.  At the same time, it feels like it's only been a minute.  It's not that I'm dying to get out of Omaha, I just want to know what's coming next.  We're throwing anything at the wall, and seeing what sticks.  

I finished my bachelor's degree in December!  In a lot of ways, finishing that degree felt like coming up for air.  It's a silly thing. I understand that it's just a piece of paper, but it meant a lot of me.  I pursued a potential job.  Sadly, twelve years of being a stay at home mom doesn't amount to much when compared to the real work experience of other candidates.  I felt a bit dejected for a minute, but I decided that moping about wasn't productive.  In March, I'll start graduate school for clinical counseling.  The ultimate goal is to finish my clinical counseling master's degree and then go on and pursue an Ed.S or Psy.D in school psychology.  I love school.  I'm excited to be studying again.  If I had an endless amount of money, I'd take college classes for the rest of my life.  I know that's super nerdy, but I never claimed to be otherwise.  Grad school's my silver lining.  ;) 

*It has been a LONG time since I've posted in this blog.  My last post was written when the pain from Dad's death was still so very fresh and all encompassing.  We were looking for any kind of hope to cling to.  Here we are, five years later, and life has changed so much.  The pain of losing Dad isn't as raw.  It's changed, but it's still there, manifesting itself in different ways.  I'm not sure that you ever really get over the loss of someone you love so much.  We're all walking wounded, with gaping holes from the losses we've survived.  That's not to say that there isn't hope, and happiness in spite of the pain.  It's just that you learn a new happy, and joy is tinted by the pain.  We've welcomed two children  who will never know their Papa.  My Dad wasn't there to see me receive my degree.  Life just gets a bit more bittersweet when you lose people who are such a part of who you are.  I still thank God for the many blessings we've received.  

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